Mochiko || 02.29.12

MOCHIKO. A creative cream and ice cream-filled mochi (Japanese rice cakes)

Located at the 3rd Floor of Ayala Center Cebu’s Active Zone(near Tablea, Sun Cellular Shop & Auntie Anne’s)

to be continued

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“Live without pretending. Love without depending. Listen without defending. Speak without offending”

“Making the choice to have a positive attitude everyday is the cure of all cures”


Wander into a Wednesday full of wonder! Have a great day, everyone! ♡



Kutsinta or brown rice cake is a type of kakanin that uses lye water as an ingredient. Kutsinta is somewhat sticky yet chewey (thats what lye water does) at the same time and is best eaten with grated coconut on top.


  • 1 1/2 cup rice flour
  • 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • 3 cups water
  • 1 1/2 tsp lye water
  • 2 tsp anatto seeds

1. In a mixing bowl, combine all the dry ingredients starting from the rice flour, all-purpose flour, and brown sugar then mix all the ingredients.
2. While mixing, add water gradually and continue to mix until all ingredients are completely distributed.
3. Add lye water and anatto water (soak the anatto seed in 3 tbsp water) then continue mixing.
4. Place the mixture into individual molds and steam for 40 minutes to an hour.
5. Serve with grated or shredder coconut on top. Share and Enjoy!

Ash Wednesday

“All are from the dust, and to dust all return”

It’s Ash Wednesday today! Start of 40-day sacrifice! Thank you God for everything, I LOVE YOU. †

8 Homemade Beauty Recipes that Really Work

Luxe face masks, results-driven eye creams, skin-smoothing body scrubs – all a common fantasy for many women. But fancy pampering products can add up fast – and can’t that money be better spent elsewhere? We say yes. Which is why we scoured the web for easy beauty recipes we can make at home that won’t break the bank. So whether you’re in need of a hand and foot scrub, a hair mask, or a way to get that ugly yellow stain out of your fingernails … we have the recipe for you!

With these 8 easy homemade beauty recipes, you can whip up your own products without wasting cash. And the best part? They actually work.

(For recipes:…3212#slideshow)

1. Brown Sugar and Honey Facial Scrub 
The brown sugar exfoliates, scrubbing off dead skin cells and unclogging pores, while honey (a natural antibacterial) cleans skin.

2. Lemon Sugar Hand and Foot Scrub 
Lemon has many amazing properties, including lightening, exfoliating, cleaning, toning, and brightening skin. This lemon scrub is made with granulated sugar, almond oil, and a heavy helping of lemon.

3. The Miracle Mask 
Nutmeg, honey, and cinnamon work as natural anti-inflammatories and exfoliators … coming together to create a calming, soothing face mask.

4. Sugar Pie, Honey Bunch Scrub 
This homemade body scrub uses simple ingredients that couldn’t be more accessible, including: brown sugar, honey, extra virgin olive oil, and lemon juice.

5. Mellow Yellow Nail Rinse 
If your nails are turning yellow from either sun exposure or excessive nail polish, all you need is some lemon for cleaner-looking nails.

6. Beer Rinse 
Ah, the magical properties of beer. Did you know that beer’s yeast and hops actually plump the hair shaft and cuticles (naturally adding volume), while the beer’s acidity removes any product build-up? Bottoms up!

7. Avocado Hair Mask 
The ladies in the SELF beauty department claim that the cucumber and aloe in this mask cools and soothes, while the avocado nourishes the scalp and gives a healthy shine to your hair.

8. Aloe Vera Eye Cream 
This is a must-try recipe for any girl who finds her eyes wishing they had a couple more hours of sleep.
[FONT=Georgia, Times, ‘Times New Roman’, serif]Source:…GVzdAM-;_ylv=3[/FONT]

Stop Hating Your Body

You have probably poked, squished, pinched and stared long enough at yourself in front of a mirror, criticizing your birthday suit and pointing out every flaw that you wish to get rid of one way or another. You’re a woman, and it’s not uncommon to have insecurities, especially when the media floods you with images of nothing but models airbrushed and Photoshopped to perfection.

This is why we’ve come up with a list of body-lovin’ tips on how to stop feeling bad about how you look and start embracing the beautiful uniqueness of YOU.

Accept! You’re pear-shaped, so what? Everybody is supposed to be unique, to look different from the next person, so why fuss about that outstanding sexy shape you have?

Detox! Do you stare for the longest time at magazine covers, wishing that you had the exact same body as the cover girl’s? If these images make you feel bad about how you look, then, stop it! Instead, look for inspiration in the lushness of Renaissance women or other art or images that you can relate to. Your figure may be the exact replica of Botticelli’s Venus Rising!

Undress! Dare to be bare and stand in front of the mirror. Talk to your body! Acknowledge your flaws. Know that everybody has them. Realize that your flaws are part of who you are and it’s what makes you interesting and original. Understand that no one else will appreciate ALL OF YOU but YOU.

Move! Have you wanted to try that new yoga workout your friends are raving about? Go for it! Enjoy your body. Push it to its limits. Talk to it while you exercise. Encourage it! These things help in making you love your body more. Think of it as bonding with a friend. You’ll be surprised how far you can go, all by yourself!

Prettify! You wanna rock a cropped ‘do? Wear short skirts? Be all dolled up? Do it now! Don’t wait until you lose 5, 10 or 15 pounds to start dressing up. You deserve to look good and feel good about yourself right this moment. Don’t do it for others. Do it for yourself because you’re beautiful, fabulous and worth it!

Negate the hate! If you are like some girls who like bashing their bodies in front of others just so they can be reassured and feel better about themselves, then you’re only fooling yourself. How you treat yourself will be the benchmark of how others will treat you. Besides, who wants to be around someone who’s so conscious and whiny all the time?

Celebrate! Delight in how every woman is shaped differently. Be generous with compliments. The more we admire and call out the uniqueness of others, the more we realize that a woman’s body is not meant to be standardized. And, the more we open ourselves to positivity, we lessen the room for body criticism. Wouldn’t it be a better world if women didn’t have nasty things to say about each other’s bodies?

Source: Stop hating your body! – Yahoo! She Philippines

5 Things in Your Kitchen that Could Make You Sick

Every year, 76 million Americans get sick from food, according to the Centers for Disease Control. Nothing you can do will ever guarantee 100 percent protection against foodborne illness, but taking certain precautions can help reduce your risk. Some of these protective steps are common sense, like washing your hands before you eat. Others aren’t so obvious. Read on to discover five surprising sources of foodborne “bugs” in your kitchen, we’ve written about in EatingWell Magazine, and how to protect yourself.

Kitchen threat #1: Your kitchen sponge.When participants in a study from NSF International (an independent public health organization) swabbed various items in their houses, the kitchen sponge was by far the germiest. In fact, it harbored 150 times more bacteria, mold and yeast than a toothbrush holder. “You pick up bacteria when cleaning, but because you rarely disinfect that sponge between uses, germs multiply,” says Rob Donofrio, M.S., Ph.D., NSF’s director of microbiology. While the majority of germs they found won’t make you sick some, such as Salmonella and E. coli, can cause serious illness. The best way to de-germ your sponge: microwave a wet sponge for two minutes daily and replace it every two weeks. 

Kitchen threat #2: Your fridge. Cold temperatures slow the growth of bacteria, so it’s important to make sure that your refrigerator doesn’t rise above 40°F. Reduce your risk of foodborne illness by keeping tabs on your fridge temp with a thermometer. You can buy a “refrigerator/freezer thermometer” at appliance stores, home centers (e.g., Home Depot) and online kitchen stores.

Kitchen threat #3: Cutting boards. Bacteria from uncooked meat, poultry and fish can contaminate cooked foods and fresh produce. An important way to reduce this risk is to use separate cutting boards for raw meat/poultry/fish and produce/cooked foods. 

Kitchen threat #4: Uncooked eggs. If you enjoy eating eggs with runny yolks or snitching a bit of raw batter when you’re making cookies, you’re not alone. But the USDA recommends avoiding raw or undercooked eggs (especially for young children and the elderly) because of the possibility of foodborne illness, like Salmonella. If you can’t keep your hands (or your kids’ hands) out of the cookie batter or you’re working with a recipe that calls for raw or undercooked eggs, consider pasteurized-in-the-shell eggs. They’re no different than regular eggs except they’ve been heat-treated to kill any harmful bacteria-making them safe to consume raw or partially cooked. Look for them in large supermarkets near other in-the-carton eggs. 

Kitchen threat #5: Recalled items. You should discard any food that’s been recalled because it’s associated with the outbreak of a foodborne illness. But according to a survey conducted by Rutgers University, only about 60 percent of Americans search their homes for foods that have been recalled because of contamination. Whenever there’s a food recall, check products stored at home to make sure they are safe.

What do you do to keep your kitchen and your food safe?


20 Ways to Speed Up Your Metabolism

1. Keep Hydrated I’m sure the general population thinks dieticians sound like a broken record when it comes to the whole water thing, but it really is important. Drinking the recommended eight glasses of water a day will help your body function at peak performance levels.

2. Keep Calcium Levels Up Current obesity research shows that a dip in calcium levels can trigger the same hormone that causes the body to hold onto fat to be released. Choose low-fat dairy, cheese, yogurt, salmon, tofu, and oatmeal.

3. Ditch the Drinks Happy hours and late night cocktails can do a number on your metabolism the next day. Research shows that the day after a night of drinking, there is a significant dip in your metabolic rate. Combine this with hangover cravings, and you’ve got a double disaster.

4. Eat Constantly Snacking does not have to be a bad thing. If your stomach is growling, it means that you need more fuel. Not providing your body with food is a surefire way to slow down its basic functions. Choose high-fiber, high-protein snacks like low-fat cheese, fiber crackers, fruits, veggies, or Greek yogurt. Starving your body will sabotage all of your dieting efforts.

5. Destress Yourself Stress raises the amount of cortisol in your body. Cortisol is a hormone that tells the body to hold onto fat in case of a stressful situation (think more natural disaster-level stress, not a bad day at work-level). Experiment with yoga or meditation as ways to lower stress levels and clear your mind.

6. Decrease Diet Soda Although it’s low in calories and seems like an easy swap for high calorie beverages, diet soda may actually have adverse effects on your metabolism. Water and seltzer are better options, but if you must drink diet soda, limit your consumption to two cans (not Big Gulps!) per week.

7. Don’t Forget Your ZZZ’s Getting a least seven to eight hours of sleep every night is crucial to a healthy metabolism. Anything less can adversely affect your body’s ability to burn calories. Surprisingly, excess sleep may do the same thing. It’s best to keep a consistent bedtime and wake up close to the same time every morning.

8. Soak Up the Sun Research shows that when a person spends long periods of time in a darkened, dull environment, it stimulates the same physiological functions in the body as gaining weight and sleep. The best daylight hours are between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m., so make it a point to get up from your desk and take a brisk walk outside. Aside from soaking up rays, you’ll rev up your heart rate and benefit from the fresh air.

9. Work Out in the Cold Doing any type of cardio exercise in the cold can increase the ability of brown fat in the body to work at maximum capacity. Newly published research indicates that brown fat helps efficiently burn the white fat in your body, which is the considered that “bad fat.”

10. Drink Kombucha Tea This tea, which is made from the Kombucha black mushroom, has racked up accolades in almost every health area-claims range from easing arthritis to detoxifying the liver. The detoxifying nature of this beverage may help your body function at an optimal level, which means a healthy metabolism.

11. Increase Weight-Bearing Exercises One pound of muscle burns 35 to 50 calories, while one pound of fat burns a measly 5 to 10 calories. Turning fat into muscle can increase your body’s basal metabolic rate (BMR) by up to 40%. There’s no need to hit the weights hard, either, simply using light weights at high repetition has been proven to tone muscle and burn fat.

12. Up Your Vitamin C Vitamin C and calcium are partners in crime when it comes to your metabolic rate. Calcium speeds up metabolism, while vitamin C helps the body absorb this mineral, creating an overall win-win situation.

13. Vitamin B is Key Getting in all over your vitamin B, which you can do by incorporating small amounts of nuts, seeds, lean chicken, beef, and fish into your diet, helps maintain a healthy metabolism. Legumes are also a great source of B vitamins; plus they’re chock-full of fiber.

14. Drink Green Tea he polyphenols, specifically EGCG, in green tea have properties that rev up your metabolic rate. However, green tea takes dedication. You have to drink about 4-5 cups a day to see results.

15. Avoid High Fructose Corn Syrup It’s one of the most controversial issues in nutrition: Studies show that HFCS can make the body insulin-resistant. Also, when given the choice, the body stores fructose as fat before it does glucose.

16. Try Interval Training Aside from curing workout boredom, interval training allows you to burn more calories in less time. This is a great way for busy people with less time to get in a maximum workout.

17. Drink Oolong Tea Swap your second latte of the day with a fresh cup of oolong tea. Chinese medicine and celebrities alike tout the calorie boosting properties of this electrifying elixir.

18. Spicy Peppers Take your pick: Jalapenos, chili, cayenne, habanero, etc.. These fiery little guys contain capsaicin, which is why you get a burning sensation in your mouth when you eat them. This same effect is created internally, causing a calorie burn for about 30 minutes afterward.

19. Go Ginger The latest craze is to add ginger shots to juice, but if you’re not into juicing, it also pairs nicely with veggies in a stir-fry. In addition to aiding digestion, it can speed up the body’s digestion process by as much as twenty percent.

20. Eat Oily Fish Fish such as tuna and salmon contain oil that increases leptin, which is a hormone responsible for controlling appetite.


Spaghetti with a twist…

Lets go for a run

Changing your nutrition can be so difficult. Some meals you don’t want to give up, and for me it is pasta! Well good news ,carb fiends, there is a solution for spaghetti noodles. It is spaghetti squash! Cook this fun little squash and pick with a fork to find it’s meat turns into noodle like form. Spaghetti squash tastes delicious, gluten free, and has less carbs per serving than wheat pasta. Give a try and tell me what you think 🙂

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